Tuesday, July 13, 2010

40 hours ...

Is it sad that I have started counting hours?? I'm not sure what is it because I honestly didnt think that I was going to be this emotional but for some reason just the thought of homecoming and being reunited with Chris again continues to make me teary-eyed! Happy tears of course! I mean its not like getting emotional is a bad thing, its just not what I expected! A friend of mine called it a third honeymoon lol! I like to think of it was my 5th "first kiss!" The first of course from when Chris and I started dating, the second after 13 weeks of bootcamp, the third being our wedding day, the fourth was his homecoming from Afghanistan and now this homecoming with be the fifth! Call be crazy but I think its pretty amazing to be able to experience this "first kiss" feeling so many times! I'm sure that tomorrow is going to feel like the longest day ever but I will get through it just like I got through the past 26 weeks! 40 more hours and I will be at home... in his arms :)


  1. Amen sister! So excited for you!!!!!

  2. Im so Happy for you dear!!!!!! And a "first kiss" is definitly an amazing way to describe it!!! xoxoxo
